You will never know the truth 'cause I'd never wanted to tell. so stuff it. never underestimate me cuz I know a lot of things. Ain't an easy one to mess up with. I heard you're a player. well im a good coach though. and ever since that day. I'd never wanna be ur coach. Have fun with ur gold digger and blessed ur heart.
Jess ✿ Ling YP
Friday, March 29, 2013
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Moisturiser that gives you WOW ;)
Seriously? Im back for blogging! Life's bored, that's why I blog. Woots! never thought that I'll be recommending facial products on my blog but to be perfectly honest, this product is freaking awesome!
Tadaaa~ CLINIQUE (Moisture Surge)... highly recommended moisturiser for you, you, you and you! Wait a second, what? you're afraid of using moisturiser b'cause your skin is sort of oily all the time? Nahh, trust me, there is no need for you to have that phobia cuz this moisturiser will absorb the excess sebum and leave ur face baby skin look alike~ no kidding *Do i look like im kidding? [serious facial expression]* Well, you can have a try on it if you do trust my words. teehee~ It comes with different sizes [sizes as in volumes]. The one i bought is 50ml, which costs me around USD 50.00 ( approx MYR 150.00 i suppose? but i got the offer price and it cost me 20 ringgit lesser *whispering* hehee.. Oh if you apply it twice a day [twice a day would be enough for me], it will be emptied in 3-4 average, let's count in 3 months time, the computation shows MYR 1.67 per day. [Did i just tell you i got discounted price? so it's even lower than that computed figure..way more worth it than other that i've been using for months and I dont see any changes of getting better on me but this one, love it much! <3 teehee
Tadaaa~ CLINIQUE (Moisture Surge)... highly recommended moisturiser for you, you, you and you! Wait a second, what? you're afraid of using moisturiser b'cause your skin is sort of oily all the time? Nahh, trust me, there is no need for you to have that phobia cuz this moisturiser will absorb the excess sebum and leave ur face baby skin look alike~ no kidding *Do i look like im kidding? [serious facial expression]* Well, you can have a try on it if you do trust my words. teehee~ It comes with different sizes [sizes as in volumes]. The one i bought is 50ml, which costs me around USD 50.00 ( approx MYR 150.00 i suppose? but i got the offer price and it cost me 20 ringgit lesser *whispering* hehee.. Oh if you apply it twice a day [twice a day would be enough for me], it will be emptied in 3-4 average, let's count in 3 months time, the computation shows MYR 1.67 per day. [Did i just tell you i got discounted price? so it's even lower than that computed figure..way more worth it than other that i've been using for months and I dont see any changes of getting better on me but this one, love it much! <3 teehee
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Buenos dias
Wakey wakey, Eggs and Bakey~ Good Morning, Sunshine! It's a brand new day! :D
Every morning right after I make my bed I look into my mirror and I die a little inside. :O
I swear my pillow is a hairstylist, I always wake up with new hairstyle. :/
And I hate taking shower early in the morning at this apartment here. *whispering*
Cuz there is no water heater and the water is so freaking cold!
My O' my.. and i need a morning bath to fresh me up for school.
I always thinking of asking like this : Mr. Water Pipe, could you please be kind like at least heating up the
water twice a day for me to shower? You're kind consideration will be very much appreciated.
Thank you! teehee~ :)
But i know that would be so uberly weird if i talk to the water pipe like that :/
water twice a day for me to shower? You're kind consideration will be very much appreciated.
Thank you! teehee~ :)
But i know that would be so uberly weird if i talk to the water pipe like that :/
I know right! totally a weirdo look alike.
What if my housemate asking me to whom i was talking to?
Am i suppose to answer like: Oh no one! Maybe my six sense was picking up voices from the other side.
*Smirking* :] it's so freaking spooky, aint it? :O
*Smirking* :] it's so freaking spooky, aint it? :O
Alrighty, forget about that. So..the only thing that i can do is...
*grin and bear it* x)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Article articles articlessss
It's been decades since i last posted blog.
Busy? Nahh, wasn't busy.. well it's merely uhm... i wasn't that into blogging lifestyle? :]
Omydearblog, Im bored. Well, having a mock tomorrow morning thou..WHO CARES?!
Ah and now i CARE! cuz i have not even started my readings.. not even a single page.. DANG!
Oh okays, the 1st article.. wait a second! 11 PAGES? BLESS MY HEART HONEY! the 2nd article.. ah, this is better..4pages~ :) i should start reading RIGHT NOW cuz the clock shows 11.30pm..
*flipping the book from page to page* *facebook pop-out chat* Oh, friends nudged me..*chit chat*
*Look at the clock* DANG! it's 11.50pm..
Start reading.. 1st page
blablablablablabla Risk Matrix blablablabla
blablablablablabla R-W-W blablablablabla
blablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla.. *wtheck did i read?* Oh great! *read it over again*
blablablablablablablabla...... *drawing little piggy on the blank space* Whooooa~ so freaking cute! (^(. .)^)
*photobooth with little piggy* Oh well please bear with me cuz im seriously distracted by the piggy! blame on the piggy! :)))
Aha! it's 12.15am.. Geez! ah, roughly go through the articles! im dead i suppose. Ah WHY BOTHER? im gonna off to bed. BYE! :) WISH ME LUCK.. teehee! :3
Busy? Nahh, wasn't busy.. well it's merely uhm... i wasn't that into blogging lifestyle? :]
Omydearblog, Im bored. Well, having a mock tomorrow morning thou..WHO CARES?!
Ah and now i CARE! cuz i have not even started my readings.. not even a single page.. DANG!
Oh okays, the 1st article.. wait a second! 11 PAGES? BLESS MY HEART HONEY! the 2nd article.. ah, this is better..4pages~ :) i should start reading RIGHT NOW cuz the clock shows 11.30pm..
*flipping the book from page to page* *facebook pop-out chat* Oh, friends nudged me..*chit chat*
*Look at the clock* DANG! it's 11.50pm..
Start reading.. 1st page
blablablablablabla Risk Matrix blablablabla
blablablablablabla R-W-W blablablablabla
blablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla.. *wtheck did i read?* Oh great! *read it over again*
blablablablablablablabla...... *drawing little piggy on the blank space* Whooooa~ so freaking cute! (^(. .)^)
*photobooth with little piggy* Oh well please bear with me cuz im seriously distracted by the piggy! blame on the piggy! :)))
Friday, October 22, 2010
October 12
October 12 -------> 12th Oct 2010
It was Midterm break Whee~~
got no class Whee~~
woke up early WHAT??~~
cuz somebody texted me Awww~~
then somebody else texted me Whaa~~
and then somebody else & else texted me Whaa~~
and then.................... received texts continuously Whoo~~ x)
Off to school
attended a briefing
CPAASC Young Apperentice Program
Schoolmates gave me wishes
was sitting in the lib
replied all the bday wishes
was yawning like a stoopid
somebody texted me
asked about the big HUG thingy Awww~~~ =3
went to have Kompia(s)----> famous Foochow snack
so tasty yummy~~
went back home
done prep
went out for dinner with friends
somebody texted for movie
but so sorry that i couldn't make it bcoz of KimBay thingy : Dinner~
As usual I HeaRt Caesar Salad, AlfredO & HonEY MilK~ ;D
Window Shoppinggot back home
Nighty-night~ x)
*Highlights that i heart*
- B'day Countdown with seniors & friends - B'day Prank from seniors & friends
- Apple look-a-like B'day cake {Awww...jess's nickname [Apple] =) }
-Buddy phoned from Aussie *sweet*
-Someone (far far cousin at Swin) sang b'day song through mobile *sweet*
-B'day wishes from friends =)
-B'day presents from friends x) *sweet*
- Oh yea, and someone still owes me something~ ;)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Picture This

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