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Friday, October 22, 2010

October 12

October 12 -------> 12th Oct 2010

It was Midterm break  Whee~~
got no class  Whee~~
woke up early  WHAT??~~
cuz somebody texted me  Awww~~
then somebody else texted me  Whaa~~
and then somebody else & else texted me Whaa~~
and then.................... received texts continuously  Whoo~~ x)

Off to school 
attended a briefing 
CPAASC Young Apperentice Program 
Schoolmates gave me wishes 
was sitting in the lib
replied all the bday wishes
was yawning like a stoopid
somebody texted me
asked about the big HUG thingy  Awww~~~ =3

went to have Kompia(s)----> famous Foochow snack
so tasty yummy~~
went back home
done prep
went out for dinner with friends
somebody texted for movie
but so sorry that i couldn't make it bcoz of KimBay thingy : Dinner~
As usual I HeaRt Caesar Salad, AlfredO & HonEY MilK~ ;D
Window Shopping
got back home
Nighty-night~ x)

*Highlights that i heart*
- B'day Countdown with seniors & friends
- B'day Prank from seniors & friends
- Apple look-a-like B'day cake {Awww...jess's nickname [Apple] =) }
-Buddy phoned from Aussie *sweet*
-Someone (far far cousin at Swin) sang b'day song through mobile *sweet*
-B'day wishes from friends =)
-B'day presents from friends x) *sweet*
- Oh yea, and someone still owes me something~ ;)




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